alistair Along_the_Wire it’s popular yes. But then so is Beatles, MJ, Bowie, Prince. I don’t really get your point
alistair Anyway, its a concert for me and my other half to enjoy and enjoy it we will providing it happens
Along_the_Wire alistair You’re comparing The Beatles, Bowie and Prince to Duran Duran and Simple Minds?
Along_the_Wire alistair I don’t really get your point My point is partly that Duran Duran are shit. It’s the ol’ Titantic lifeboat analogy - for women and children only.
alistair Along_the_Wire no, I am saying they’re all pop music, your comment suggested it was a low brow artform
hugopal bosstrabs ha, Tokyo is correct, but pretty sure you’ve got the second half of that wrong - there don’t appear to be any michelin stars in Bray, Ireland; surely you mean Bray, Berkshire?! (Bray might as well be a suburb of London though)
hugopal Dan The Fat Duck in Bray (Berks) has three as I’ve eaten there many moons ago. I’m well aware of the Fat Duck in Bray, though not been able to go before. I hadn’t known though that the reason it has three stars is because you graced it with your presence! Are you an inspector or summat?!