English Cuisine
Would tackle the pizza sans cheese!
For the avoidance of doubt, “Steak” is Scouse for Street Meat
I was gonna twat on for a couple of paragraphs about my idealised utopia, but I’ll settle for the same as now, but with a working NHS. Friend of the family with terminal cancer just did 56 hours in a corridor whilst waiting to be assessed. Passed on a week later.
Fuck the Tories and fuck the ’I’m alright jack’ cunts who vote for them.
Was that big fella jumped up there when the young lad started singing about chips? Probably heading to wrestle for the mic to promote this week’s specials!
Reminds me of…
Where did Connery get that cardy? Need.
Those boozers aren’t far off the types of pubs I have to go out drinking in when I go up and see my dad.
Along_the_Wire they’re collectively called ‘Wetherspoons’ mate.
Millsy that would be luxury.
…am ambivalent about the format, have enjoyed a few episodes, but find Ed Gamble deeply unfunny, however, was recommended this one and laughed a lot, DD is gold: