…am ambivalent about the format, have enjoyed a few episodes, but find Ed Gamble deeply unfunny, however, was recommended this one and laughed a lot, DD is gold:

    Phil-McRackin …I go through phases with it, like a lot of these type of things find it very much guest-dependent.

    Dunno why Gamble gets my goat, his contributions just always seems so obvious and that forced laugh just grates on me… this episode is def the absolute pinnacle though… “absolutely CAKED!” 😂

    zackster I witnessed animals in the USA, and yes they are animals, ordering enormous breakfasts featuring triple stacked pancakes the size of dinner plates with bacon, eggs and ‘link’ sausages with the lot smothered in maple syrup. And most of them were fat fucks an all.

      This Dyer podcast is highly recommended. Very amusing despite all the annoying ad breaks. Cheers Damo.

        Millsy …loved how they managed to sell him a really fucking expensive Bentley, by… lending him a Bentley 😂

        Along_the_Wire triple stacked pancakes the size of dinner plates with bacon, eggs and ‘link’ sausages with the lot smothered in maple syrup.

        Where do I sign?!

        Just finished listening to that, very amusing from Dyer

        London friend bringing me Marmite Corn Nuts, Penguin Bars, and Jaffa Cakes this weekend. Excitable. God save the King.

          Talk about living the dream Rhouses!

          What else was on your list, Rhouses? Bubblegum squash and Parma violets? Grow up.