Am I proud to be from GREAT Britain?

You’re damn right I am!

Does big J do birthday boshgrams? Asking for a friend

Can’t help but feel he’s missing a trick by not using ‘Bosh Nosh’ as a slogan

Don’t think he’s Jewish mate

How many people here need a tea towel for their napkin?

Those slip on loafers are 🔥🔥🔥🔥

Tom’s lit cig was all over the gaff. Watch ur drip and eyes!

Cap doffed.

Millsy what a load of derivative drivel - wouldn’t be out of place in an episode of Gavin and Stacey

zackster I’ve never even tried a Monster before - are they really much more palpitation-inducing than Red Bull?

    hugopal nor have I but yes, due to the volume alone I believe they are

    Hard pass. Smell enough of that Monster shit on the train into work most mornings. The Eastern bloc live off the stuff.

    Lol after a long day of grafting behind the EB counter I could see him necking a few Black and Greens before paying his respects at Woodlands Cemetery.

    14 days later

    Mad_Cyril Which I have had on a drunken work night out and instantly regretted it. Not because it was spicy, but because it was rancid

    On a scorching hot day there is one thing, and one thing only to have in one’s pint of lager.

    A dash of lemonade.

    • Dan replied to this.

      Got a lot of time for dyer nowadays thanks to this.


      (Cameron, not you Ed x)

      The last “twat!” after a short breathe just makes this clip.

      Pamela Anderson and Jeremy Corbyn on hand to clear it all up while Ed Balls laughs his head off across the studio. Gold.