GU board legends and melters
Plinky Roberts
John Creamer
The revelations about Felix The Housecat pissing everywhere one night.
Colin Sales
Terence Thackery
Audiogalaxy music - where someone changed all the Tronik promo tracks to the theme tune of ‘ Rentaghost ’
The ‘ untitled - untitled (CDR) ’ entry in all charts.
Meeting the Irish crew a few nights.
James Talk
Lots and lots more. I had some serious laughs on that board. Some extremely quick witted people on there
I still go to gigs with Fadas once in a while. La Nausee is still a headcase.
Used to enjoy the odd Cul mix as well.
Not sure why that’s just popped into my melon
Liked cul. He was as dry as camels hole.
Pretty sure it was Cul who wrote the immortal line “nothing like rolling a joint with superthin Rizlas and seeing the crystals shining through”.
Will never forget that. Thought I was the only one who felt that way.
The callowness of youth, eh?
Oh, and Hi Marko!!!!
Hey man. How’s things !
Hey Mark!
You scared him off Stu!
Alias all day long.
Yep, imagine being the weirdo who decides to log into a message board as aliases of past users.
If you’re going to use an alias then at least give us a laugh. The state of these cunts.
I don’t think dusted is an alias either. My vitriol is aimed at the loser pretending to be Flares and 1 or 2 other of log ins that he has. Everyone knows who it is. Spastic.
Was Twistedspicy the girl that had her title changed to “Last in line when the brains were handed out” ?
I remember Vicky Pickles and rabbitweed (the admin) having cat fights withe each other!
- Edited
That brings back some memories!
Didn’t you and John Creamer have an epic bust up on a thread back in the EZ Board era? That was funny as hell to read.
James Talk! Wow - that guy turned out to be a bit strange towards the end of his tenure there. I think once he started to get a bit of “publicity” he turned into a bit of an arse, posting strange topic titles such as “Why do girls always say their Bisexual when I talk to them?” “How do I get rid of my man boobs?”