• General
  • GU board legends and melters

James Talk was a bit of a strange one. Turnmillsguy was a bit of a odd-ball too.

Al Willamzzzz springs to mind.

I remember there was a thread where everyone tried to guess what each other looked like. I posted a picture of what I thought James Talk looked like and he got very cross with me.

My favourite meme from the GU board was Fadas - Breaks and Banter.

That and Plinky Roberts. I still occasionally find myself inviting people irl to “have a good one” before reminding myself they are highly unlikely to get that reference.

The iamDusted parody of Funkagenda Man with a Red Face lives long in the memory too.

Vicki Pickles, yeah I remember her. Odd shaped head from the pictures IIRC, never met her.

Had some kind of snidey feud with twistedspicy, another bird on the GU board who was from up here (North Wales), proper board frenemies, a bit like BF and Millsy.

    bosstrabs V good mate of mine as it goes. Never thought of her head ss a weird shape! 😂

    6 days later

    Twistedspicy is my friend Fliss. She’s from Llandudno. Now lives near London with her fiancé.

    There are so many legends and good stories!

    The Galaxy Board invasion
    Snortchez and Phil Lobsinger (I think that’s the name?)
    I had a lot of fun making word substitutions 🤣
    Met some really amazing people through that board too!


      Phil Lobsinger!!!!!!! HAHAHAHAHA. Him trying to pimp his poor kid out to Proton Radio and the like. What an omnishambles he was.

      Hey Kelley!! Hope you are well babes xoxo

        C_J Hey Kelley!! Hope you are well babes xoxo

        Christ, CJ is a smooth operator, haven’t seen this side of the lad before xo

        Kells77 I had a lot of fun making word substitutions 🤣

        Some of those substitutions were funny as fuck. I remember when “cunt” got replaced 😆

        Please don’t start that again. It was massively annoying

        C_J Hey Kelley!! Hope you are well babes xoxo

        I am doing great! Thanks! Thought it was time I checked in here, and I’m glad I did!