Looking forward to this. Just done an hour for Frisky too. Struggled a bit with the programming.

Loads of good stuff on here to be fair. Will give it a whirl over the next few days

baggers44 Yeah, been wanting to use it on a mix for awhile now, but couldn’t find the right place for it before.

Also edited the tracklist, few fuck ups there, was watching Deadwood while typing it down, cocksucker fucked with my fucking concentration.

baggers44 i cant believe i’ve never heard the Mari Boine track before - it’s a stand out classic

It’s a great track but a bugger to mix out of (difficult key and a distinctive beat). Hannu’s made it look routine. Used to be on continuous play on the old homepage for Cielo nightclub I believe- at least that’s where I came across it.

Diving in now……report to follow. Hopefully will be smiling more than the Hanners “press shot” by the end 😀

Very nice mix. That James Holden track still does the business many moons later

SM001 Idjut Boys & Quakerman - Radio Rage (16b Club Mix)…………Tune

    Dan Idjut Boys & Quakerman - Radio Rage (16b Club Mix)…………Tune


    Just put on your latest….looking forward to it! 🙂

    Had this on in the car today, really good. Been years since I’ve heard that holden track. Still sounds brilliant

      Matt think I first heard it on the Delta Heavy tour mixes I bought off someone on eBay they burned to CD.

      No idea which shows they were from. Never since found them. Had that Holden track , Satoshi mix of FSOL Pap Nug……Dark and long was on there. Belted those out the Mondeo for many moons

      15 days later

      Homegrove Big Mistake Hannu. Wait till the serious players get involved…

      • Amps replied to this.

        Homegrove Al Wootton - Cephas

        Been loving his stuff lately, even if it all sounds kinda the same.

        Wasily Wait till the serious players get involved…

        Who could be hiding in that false ceiling???