• Music
  • What events/gigs have you bought tickets for?

Never fails. I’m at Fabric for the Sunday all dayer with Sasha. ID for the second?

    Mad_Cyril Tea towels are apparently welcome at St James and not culturally insensitive.

    What’s on, on NYD? 👍🏻

      Wally What’s on, on NYD?

      Have a butchers at the bottom half of the tweet 6 or 7 posts up 👆

      Smallman1 ….. Options Kingston one of our old haunts. Posho mate from Uni who went to Cranleigh used to drag us down there for the “rough totty”. What a shambles that place was. Blotto, kid in the car in the car park next door. Living the 90s dream….

        IndustryStandard Options Kingston one of our old haunts. Posho mate from Uni who went to Cranleigh used to drag us down there for the “rough totty”. What a shambles that place was. Blotto, kid in the car in the car park next door. Living the 90s dream….


        Now called Pryzm.

        One of the most horrendous establishments I’ve ever been in.

        The Ame b2b Dixon-event in Stockholm is in a month. It’s going to be surprisingly cheap, I’m taking the cruise ship across the Baltic Sea, so about 20 € per direction, even with a cabin. The downside is it takes 12 hours to cross, since it IS a cruise. At least coming back it’s night so I’ll be sleeping, instead of boozing in one of the bars. 😀

        Along_the_Wire Seriously? That sucks man. Probs for the best cancelling a national tour then. Hopefully catch them again soonish…

        IndustryStandard Posho mate from Uni who went to Cranleigh

        Name and shame please! How old are they / what year did they leave Cranleigh?

        Good to see H is getting out and about and seeing the best in the business!

        Guy J all night tomorrow
        Quivver in BTown the following week

        For those that haven’t met me, come and say hi when see you me at Fabric and I shall buy you a beer.

          SM001 Oooff thats good. No idea though. 😅

          Dixon played it at Printworks last Saturday, absolutely massive.