303abuser The air here is 95% smoke again, basically impossible to go outside to do anything. One of the russian olive trees in my yard is so stressed it’s dropping leaves.
Amps Hursty the weather has been shit in July, worst on record? Is he trolling, or is snooker loopy Bursty that dim?
Amps Smallman1 That’s what I’ve been saying for ever on here, broken record etc. And now you chime in with your golden hammers? I think not sir!
Mad_Cyril Amps Is he trolling, or is snooker loopy Bursty that dim? I like to give him the benefit of the doubt Amps. But the struggle is real
Hursty It is quite ironic how Amps posts militant climate hot takes from social media with no context which seems to be a certain board snides favourite topic to ridicule people in other threads Free pass in here it would appear
Amps Dubman I assumed at first he’d always quietly been a bit of a fruit cake, and covid allowed him to show his fruitiness, but he’s on the Russian funded GBNews, so I assume he’s just another traitor selling his celebrity to the highest bidder?
Cankles-McJeggings Oliver has always been a massive fucking cunt imo. Read a thing a while ago about other Archeologists and Anthropologists all fucking hating him for hanging off boats professing to know everything but a lot of it not substantiated by research or along those lines anyway. Properly rubbed a load of them up the wrong way . Dork fight!