rhouses bosstrabs What’s it going to take to make the Board Rankings again, Dave? For a worldly sort like yourself, I’m surprised the last couple have only consisted of old white men.
Along_the_Wire Fuck me, I’m sick to fucking death of working from home - this lock-down just feels a little worse. My days seem to be getting progressively more stressful when we go through the weeks. I’ve had a proper cunt of a day today as well.
SM001 Along_the_Wire I think everyone has hit a bit of a Covid “wall” recently. 5th week of lockdown here and no end in sight.
FabiParas Along_the_Wire The kids were pissing me off today so I locked them outside in the snow without their gloves on or their jackets done up. They soon wanted to get back inside and do their school work after that little lesson.
Old-Dutch Won’t be so bad when the kids get back to school and I’ve been feeling like shite all of January which hasn’t helped but finally seem to be coming out the other side of it now. A week into February and then we’re on the cusp of spring. If we get another year like last year weather wise then it will definitely help
bosstrabs Walked all the way into the city centre today, there was nothing open. Had a pasty. Felt like an episode of Tom Fun (Reeves and Mortimer). Walked back. 13000 steps.
Smallman1 Running, peak time wrecking ball POWER prog house, vin rouge and football on tv are your friends lads. I should have been a life coach.
-si- Its the small wins, Dan. Fair play. Wee wankers will think twice next time. My 9 year old was pissing me off yesterday so I cut her baby finger off with a saw. Shes been quiet as a mouse since.
jonattonyeah Considering fucking off and buying a house in the Sierra Foothills if WFH is going to be at least a few-days-a-week option. Only 2 hours on the train back down to the Bay. Life around here just seems to be getting worse by the day. People are getting desperate and you can feel it in the air. It’s not comfortable. Over it.