alistair when we got the house I bought a smaller CD-shelf (it fits about a hundred), and went through my collection. Tried to pick ones that are not available in streaming, and left the rest in the boxes in the garage. Lots of old mix CDs in other words.

    I’m currently on my last promo month of Spotify….I won’t be signing up. There’s nothing amazing to be had, plus I just don’t have the time.

    Now if you’ll excuse me I have my embroidery to attend to.

      Dan Spotify has been a lifesaver on long haul flights for me. All about the offline function. One of the only apps I wouldn’t remove from my phone

      • Dan replied to this.

        ScottBailey Good to know….where years ago I’d stock up on music, now I’m doing that films and series. Music just isnt at the top of my adjenda.

        ScottBailey nah man, Tidal’s got that covered. Even found some pretty obscure albums there I only ever had on a cassette taped from a friend.

        Dan Now if you’ll excuse me I have my embroidery to attend to.


        a year later

        Just thought I would resurrect this thread as I listen to the fabric back catalogue on Apple.

        I had never properly listened to 01-06.

        Mind you, not so sure about compiled and mixed 18.

          benson Mark Farina mix is a big winner. As well as his Mushroom Jazz compilations, which are on Apple.

          2 years later

          Has anyone noticed with Apple Music recently they are only putting up radio edits of house tracks. For example, 3 min versions rather than DJ friendly extended versions . Only noticed this the last couple of months.

          Then if I want to buy it on Itunes its only the short version that comes up too. I have to go to Beatport/Bandcamp to get the proper version. Odd

            IndustryStandard Has anyone noticed with Apple Music recently they are only putting up radio edits of house tracks.

            I haven’t IS.

            Hope that helps!

            Wasily …makes sense. OK. I’m a lazy bugger so would rather listen to the track in full on Apple Music, then buy it via the store if I like it. Going into Beatport to then buy it gets on my wick.

            Cause and effect; see this double shit Glasto line up, I reckon that’s a direct effect of streaming on the music industry. Where the fuck are all the new bands? Where are the new rock gods? The headliner on Saturday should be me on stage knocking fuck out of Daniel Ek for an hour.

            Glad I was unsuccessful in my attempt to get tickets now!