ali-star maxiqum ok but does not change the axiomatic mathematical truth speaking that digweed fans are plastic techno enjoyer
hugopal ali-star does anyone on the forum actually know who the heck this ali-star bloke is? Is it one of you with some kind of joke duplicate account?!
ali-star nicksneddon it is truth. would you like to refute hard science? are you evangelical young earth creationist like the kent hovend in united states?
Smallman1 hugopal does anyone on the forum actually know who the heck this ali-star bloke is? Is it one of you with some kind of joke duplicate account?! It’s Flares. And he’s having a right old reg on the bants front.
Cankles-McJeggings Haha imagine learning you’d been anonymously left a record collection only to find out it was zackster’s 😱
zackster ScottBailey looks more appealing than being surrounded by a bunch of dudes who cut their beards and hair on the same trimmer setting at a Digweed party.
hugopal RichM that is truly awful. Note to self, don’t ever go see Nina DJ anywhere ScottBailey it was actually Anfisa Letyago, but same difference Anfisa is way more trash than Nina - they shouldn’t be lumped together.