ArchimedesQ  In other news from our correspondent in clubland, ‘Mad Cyril’ was actually revealed today as underground ‘noisy house music DJ’ Craig Hudson, allegedly bringing the boompy good stuff to Mixpub in the very near future!!
bosstrabs For some reason, and I’ve no idea why, whenever Mad Cyril was posting I imagined him to look and sound like the bloke off the Safestyle UK advert (with long hair but bald on top).
Mad_Cyril bosstrabs I imagined him to look and sound like the bloke off the Safestyle UK advert (with long hair but bald on top). If only Dave, that’s a strong look that only a KING can pull off.
Mad_Cyril bosstrabs For some reason, and I’ve no idea why, whenever Mad Cyril was posting I imagined him to look and sound like the bloke off the Safestyle UK advert (with long hair but bald on top). It’s a fair point about the mental images people build up of posters they’ve never met. Suspect we all do it. This is how I imagine you when someone posts something vaguely connected to Chinese cuisine.
LT42 Maybe I haven’t sobered up yet but is Cyril a guy called Craig who was already a DJ? You led us up the Fisher Price DJ path you bastard. Have you been taking Flares’ groupon course on Constructs?