bosstrabs For some reason, and I’ve no idea why, whenever Mad Cyril was posting I imagined him to look and sound like the bloke off the Safestyle UK advert (with long hair but bald on top).
Mad_Cyril bosstrabs I imagined him to look and sound like the bloke off the Safestyle UK advert (with long hair but bald on top). If only Dave, that’s a strong look that only a KING can pull off.
Mad_Cyril bosstrabs For some reason, and I’ve no idea why, whenever Mad Cyril was posting I imagined him to look and sound like the bloke off the Safestyle UK advert (with long hair but bald on top). It’s a fair point about the mental images people build up of posters they’ve never met. Suspect we all do it. This is how I imagine you when someone posts something vaguely connected to Chinese cuisine.
LT42 Maybe I haven’t sobered up yet but is Cyril a guy called Craig who was already a DJ? You led us up the Fisher Price DJ path you bastard. Have you been taking Flares’ groupon course on Constructs?
bosstrabs Mad_Cyril Mad Cyril when he sees a thread has turned into a discussion about Chinese cuisine…