jonattonyeah Coachella completely jumped the shark years ago. They actually had to ban Indian headdresses because the stupid frat boy cunts couldn’t help but rub more salt in that wound. Camera phones killed the hedonism. Pictures for the ‘gram killed the spontaneity. It was an excellent festival for a bit there. Far too hot for a crowd of 30K. Now it’s 100K and a Swedish House Mafia reunion is considered a thing. Yeah, yeah, yelling at clouds here. Just feel for the younguns who don’t go tops off ‘cause of what it would mean for their “social.” Sad any sense of anonymity and privacy has gone completely out the window.
hugopal mono-stereo it was a smorgasbord, white kids, black dealers, Asian taxi drivers Reeling off some stereotypes there aren’t you? 😉
Mad_Cyril 22 hours worth of Greg Wilson Glastonbury mixes 2011 - 2019 …
-si- Enjoy the next few days, anyone who is there! Grant, hope you’re on the mend soon and make it before the weekend is over. Tried 3 fucking years in a row to get tickets and had no luck whatsoever.
Along_the_Wire -si- Grant, hope you’re on the mend soon and make it before the weekend is over. Four of the group have already got the rona (obviously went there with it) - they’ve been stuck in the same tent. Feeling better today, so there’s a chance tomorrow or even Saturday. Missus needs to buy in it it’ll be a pain in the arse.
apyssjw -si- Same boat - three years without a sniff. 2017 was the last time I was there, which was brilliant.
nicksneddon mono-stereo I was there that year, it was absolutely horrific owing to the weather – everywhere was a massive ballache to get to because of the mud I couldn’t wait to get out of there. Q magazine rated Radiohead as the best gig of the 90s iirc
ScottBailey Along_the_Wire Think it’s going to be Rona Fest 2022, there’s so much of it about at the moment. Kudos for having a moral conscience about it, but I’d crack on and go if I were you!
Along_the_Wire ScottBailey I’m feeling a lot, lot better even in the last couple of hours. I couldn’t have gone even first thing this morning, was just feeling too ill. I can go and stay in the rona tent, just got to get the missus on board now - hopefully head over tomorrow.