Hello and thank you for this wonderful discussion. There are some very interesting opinions being shared. I am surprised that no one has mentioned Dj Sasha and John Digweed yet. Maybe they are a bit underground for many of you, but I really think they deserve to be in the conversation. I really enjoy listening to their hit song Pushing Too Hard while unwinding after a long day at the office.
With that being said, I would like to take this time to announce that I am rescinding my offer to purchase jaded-clubbers.com. After repeated inquests, I have still not been satisfied with an explanation as to why a Matt Smith currently controls 37 different account names. As such, my legal team has contacted the board, and informed them of our intent to withdraw. Any attempt to withhold our initial good faith deposit will be met in court.
Thank you again for all of your candor and I look forward to speaking with you all soon!