rhouses Dubman they’re around, the missus loves gold medal ribbon. But there are way too many indie, local places which do ice cream much better.
303abuser Millsy haha I’m pretty much the lowest of low maintenance, just a little obsessive when I decide to do something.
Cankles-McJeggings rhouses Lol is it any wonder, rhouses? 😂😂 rhouses That’s not an ice-cream though is it rhouses? What you put was a trough of diabetes and early heart attack. Probably enough to feed a small family.
LT42 I had an Oreo and Pistachio filled waffle yesterday evening made from Goats milk. Very creamy and not as sweet.
seanc80 The magnum mint is without question, decadent however im going to make a huge call. I believe that the Nuii Mint just pips it.
Smallman1 Millsy Had you down as a Mini Milk or Funny Feet kinda guy, Smalls. Do like both of those I cannot lie! Always had a massive spot for Viennetta too.
NasserAlazzawi I’ve just maxed out our hotel room’s limit on their “Smarties Ice cream” and don’t even care that I’m lactose intolerant.
seanc80 The first thing Nass did when he gained access to the room was jump on the beds and mill all the shortbread buscuits