Few years back at my previous place, the whole street was woken up to the sound of a fella braying on a front door and yelling his head off further down the street at 2 in the morning. Everyone stuck their heads out the window doing a double take because he was in his boxer shorts. Eventually he fucked off in his car still in his boxers but the police turned up to check it out. It seemed he’d got off his tits with his lass, had a massive bust up, stormed out to his car without realizing to get dressed first, doubled back and by that time she’d shut the door and refused to let him back in. (Seem to recall a pair of jeans being launched out the window lol)
The police came around and took statements and all the rest of it. A few days later they came back in a squad van, kicked the front door down and frog marched the lass out in cuffs in front of the whole street (forever known as ‘CSI Bramley’ from that point on). It turned out she was storing 20 large bags of weed upstairs in the attic for the fella who was some local grower / dealer. The coppers had smelt it when they come around to investigate the disturbance but are trained not to say anything and come back later.
Quite a laugh thinking about it and how stupid people can be - the lass had young bairn so social services got involved and I think she mostly got away with everything but I wonder how much information about her associates she had to give up to escape without losing her bairn. Probs brought down a fair few people over a row with her fella.