Smallman1 Millsy restraining order? She can’t restrain herself. Or something like that. Sending myself an invite.
Smallman1 mono-stereo reconciliation on the cards? Huge if true. There is an undeniable chemistry between us, always has been, always will be!
mono-stereo Smallman1 There is an undeniable chemistry between us, always has been, always will be! Erm, I was talking about you and your ex. But thanks.
Cankles-McJeggings NasserAlazzawi I think we’d better take this outside. Wish you’d make your mind up, you weren’t one yesterday.
NasserAlazzawi Cankles-McJeggings Today I’ve decided I’m a member of the LGBTQ community and identify as Trans-Geordie. Everyone calls me a Geordie, but I wager that most people stumbling on what I’d call a “proper Geordie” wouldn’t be able to understand the dialect.
Cankles-McJeggings The only way to find out if you are the genuine article is to go to a local stables and see how strong your desire to punch fuck out of one of, or all of the occupants is.