zackster Hursty When you don’t give a shit, it makes life much easier Hursty already budgeting for the post crypto reality
Hursty Millsy To be honest, its a horror show for all you fashionistas, basically outdoor gear and Next stuff, as boring as the most boring dad style!
Cankles-McJeggings Did you once give a shit and gave up, or you never gave a shit? For the spreadsheet.
Millsy Lumberjack shirts in all colours of the rainbow. Sleeves rolled to the elbows. Several Arran sweaters. A few Grandad collar shirts (sorry Sean). A jumble sale of wonders.
Cankles-McJeggings Never giving a shit makes it more palatable. Better than giving up as I see many of my friends doing. Each time I go back there another one clad in ASOS and next. Rip.
-si- Lol. An absolutely dismantling in 19 posts. Poor hursty, let’s all chuck a fiver each into the pot and get him a jacamo voucher to say sorry.
Hursty bosstrabs Haha, no definitely not that bad, I am only 36 remember! I do see some people wearing Crew clothing and that to me is the ultimate middle class dad wear, as you can imagine, not in my wardrobe