zackster Hursty When you don’t give a shit, it makes life much easier Hursty already budgeting for the post crypto reality
Hursty Millsy To be honest, its a horror show for all you fashionistas, basically outdoor gear and Next stuff, as boring as the most boring dad style!
Cankles-McJeggings Did you once give a shit and gave up, or you never gave a shit? For the spreadsheet.
Millsy Lumberjack shirts in all colours of the rainbow. Sleeves rolled to the elbows. Several Arran sweaters. A few Grandad collar shirts (sorry Sean). A jumble sale of wonders.
Cankles-McJeggings Never giving a shit makes it more palatable. Better than giving up as I see many of my friends doing. Each time I go back there another one clad in ASOS and next. Rip.
-si- Lol. An absolutely dismantling in 19 posts. Poor hursty, let’s all chuck a fiver each into the pot and get him a jacamo voucher to say sorry.
Hursty bosstrabs Haha, no definitely not that bad, I am only 36 remember! I do see some people wearing Crew clothing and that to me is the ultimate middle class dad wear, as you can imagine, not in my wardrobe
Smallman1 Hursty was rocking three quarter length cargo pants at Fabric. With a black M&S v neck and said Merrell’s.