Cankles-McJeggings rhouses Rhouses you shit into a hole in the floor for fuck sake. Giving advice to civilisation really isn’t a good idea.
Cankles-McJeggings rhouses it’s a plane ticket Dermo, not a beach house in Goa. $150 versus the $15 you probably spent for the train ticket. Check out the complete out of touchness and unawareness of rhouse. Travelling round the world with hardly any money that you had to work for and save for compared to someone who has literary wanted for nothing his entire life. Over privileged trustafarian at it’s worst. Laughable. Yeh rhouses back packers just jump on planes instead of the cheapest form of travel, you bellend. Also you actually miss everything in-between on a plane. You silly twat.
Cankles-McJeggings rhouses Pakis eh, all the same aren’t we you racist bastards. Well in regards to your disgraceful hygeine and shitting habits, yes you are all the same.
Cankles-McJeggings rhouses Are you writing a book? lol. I tell you what , I went first time 30 odd years ago and bet absolutely nothing has changed in the evolution of personal hygeine in any of the areas I mentioned since.
Cankles-McJeggings Don’t take it too personally rhouses. Sri Lankans are animals too. Areas of Mauritius had no water in the shitter too.
mono-stereo Cankles-McJeggings Sri Lankans are animals too. Not sure what you’re on about here. The bogs in Sri Lanka are fine. Mostly above the standard of what we have in the UK actually.
BlainSA Going back to toilet paper after these was like a form of abuse. Also, think of the trees maaaan.
Along_the_Wire BlainSA you still have to dry yourself after spraying the shit away from your arse, right?
Mad_Cyril mono-stereo What Derm means is he went to one bog that was shit so, by association, they’re all shit and the population of the entire country are animals. An 1800’s attitude to travel and discovery, or a bit like Karl Pilkington with Tourette’s
Cankles-McJeggings mono-stereo As India’s were. Horrific. And I travelled round the entire country. (Apart from the Tamil area)
mono-stereo Cankles-McJeggings I’m not sure which Sri Lankan bogs you used but I’ve never had any issues. The service station/road side traps are no better or worse then the UK.
BlainSA Along_the_Wire Yeh, to dry. So just dabs rather than wipes. No more marmite pot/endless wiping incidents either.
rhouses Dubman Madras the armpit of India, is horrific, Derms. Please don’t suggest Tamil Nadu if people are visiting India. Unless it’s Auroville or Pondicherry, wink wink @bosstrabs.
BlainSA rhouses Unless it’s Auroville or Pondicherry, wink wink A quick search of Auroville nightlife - PLEASE NOTE: No alcohol or drugs are to be consumed in this location. They are strictly forbidden
rhouses BlainSA It’s a bit hippy dippy minus the ‘good’ stuff, but if you know the right people it’s fun. It’s a town run by immigrant Europeans, make of that what you will. Incredibly clean if we want to check one of dermo’s boxes as well.