rhouses Amps Maybe not for everyone, but the high hats become a bit too grating for me when it’s faster. Doesn’t happen at 120, for the most part.
rhouses hugopal Think I might have it too, don’t think any of his stuff missed at the time. Easily my top 3 tech house producer.
LT42 rhouses Easily my top 3 tech house producer. Is this “chart” set in stone or is it negotiable by this afternoon?
rhouses Decent proggy mix from Tyler Stadius called Woodwork: Rekindled released in 2016, worth a listen to for the change in direction, not sure if it’s a repeat. It’s on Apple Music.
Cankles-McJeggings What was the joke? What’s John Peel and a guitarist got in common? They both like fingering minors.
rhouses Don’t remember the Doc Martin mix being this good. Solid mix. Love the direction he’s taken with it, chillllllll.