rhouses Amps Maybe not for everyone, but the high hats become a bit too grating for me when it’s faster. Doesn’t happen at 120, for the most part.
rhouses hugopal Think I might have it too, don’t think any of his stuff missed at the time. Easily my top 3 tech house producer.
LT42 rhouses Easily my top 3 tech house producer. Is this “chart” set in stone or is it negotiable by this afternoon?
rhouses Decent proggy mix from Tyler Stadius called Woodwork: Rekindled released in 2016, worth a listen to for the change in direction, not sure if it’s a repeat. It’s on Apple Music.
Cankles-McJeggings What was the joke? What’s John Peel and a guitarist got in common? They both like fingering minors.
rhouses Don’t remember the Doc Martin mix being this good. Solid mix. Love the direction he’s taken with it, chillllllll.
bosstrabs Smallman1 Do you know what you get with a bigger boat? BIGGER BANTS! Not if Hugo, Morty and Alistair have taken up the additional space.