NasserAlazzawi The HD25s are loud, I think partially because they isolate so well, but they’re not bright by any stretch. Their frequency response is boosted around 100-200 hz and they dip around 5000-6000 hz (and get wobbly in that range).

I found most djs I played back to back with had the monitors up too high and compensated by turning their cans up to match. That’s more likely the issue.

  • erik replied to this.

    303abuser yes, I’ve found this too after taking over from people, headphones turned up to migraine because the monitors are too loud

    I remember going b2b with another dj and couldn’t be in the booth while she was mixing because the monitor made my ears physically hurt.

    Best advice I ever got was to turn the cans and monitor all the way down, go out to the middle of the dancefloor to get a baseline for the floor volume and how the eqs are set up, then bring the monitor volume up just loud enough to hear it, then do the same with the headphones. Once you’ve calibrated it, use the line gains to level out the individual records and you won’t be constantly pushing the volumes up and destroying your ears (and the ears of everyone in the club).

      Hursty hahaha. that’s what I used to think.

      Big. Mistake.

      TitianWarrior I wish the price of them would come down or be available on the NHS. Saw skateboarder Danny Way posting x-rays of his freshly grown knee cartridge, proper sci-fi shizzle.

        Amps I genuinely did not know that stem cell treatment already existed on the commercial market.
        Same as others have said I also have issues with group conversations in noisy pubs, and certain frequencies/volume levels render them a guessing game with regards to what’s being said.
        It’s pretty fucking annoying really.

        • Amps replied to this.

          TitianWarrior I genuinely did not know that stem cell treatment already existed on the commercial market.

          No idea what the score is in Blighty, lots of the people I have seen getting it done seem to be going to private clinics in South America / Central America / Caribbean etc.

          I would assume the treatments are in their infancy, but the current results are still mad; growing back full body parts or growing spares in jars.

          Can I get a new truncheon? Mine could do with an upgrade

          • Amps replied to this.

            You’ll be pleased to know I suffer from Tinnitus.

            Like a few others, I don’t think my hearing itself is that bad but any environment with background noise in social settings is grim. That said, I don’t really care what most other people are saying, so no loss, but overly loud background music/noise is stressful.

            As for Tinnitus - I do have a permanent ringing noise which I kind of ignore mostly but do get odd things like very distinct high pitched morse code sounds. Very rare but very unsettling. As for the constant ringing, I do wonder what stress it puts on the brain to filter it out all the time.

            Obviously, way too long in clubs and headphones at too loud volume caused it. I shudder to think.

            I do remember as well when sound systems actually became so loud (good) but so clear you’d still get the massive thump in the chest from the kick but could casually chat to someone seemingly, next to you. All without somehow feeling you’d need to keep getting more and more spangled and not partially deaf for the next 3 days either.

            Mad_Cyril Pretty sure that’s a yes. Don’t think they can make it any bigger than your original, but could grow it back should you lose it, or repair any damage should you get it stuck in any heavy machinery. The Beeb had a show on it years ago and some bloke was growing back his fingers having lost them in a fire. it wasn’t far off Deadpool when he’s growing his body back.