I was back in the UK for a few weeks and the anti-social behaviour seems worse than ever. I am aware I sound like an old Tory c*** but this is Jaded Clubbers.
One that really struck me was how people are on trains nowadays. On one journey from Chester to Liverpool someone was playing their TikTok videos on their shitty phone with the sound up. I moved to another carriage and someone else started doing the same. When did this become an accepted thing? It used to be the occasional dickhead who did it, now it seems to be common.
*Of course there are solutions to this:
- You can say ‘Hire a car’ instead, which I did for a few days for long journeys, but at about a tenner return on the train, I’m not going to hire a car for a day just to drive into Liverpool, all-day parking alone would be twenty quid.
- Invest in some noise cancelling earphones. Actually I have a pair of decent B&O ones. But you shouldn’t have to play your own loud tunes all the time just to drown out other cunts should you? What if I just want to read the paper (as I was doing) in civilised peace and quiet as you used to be able to do on the train?
Fucking Connor and Jordan Asbo everywhere nowadays.