Cankles-McJeggings Smallman1 Saw the Tina Turner musical a few years ago, it was absolutely fucking awful. The crime was going edwood you massive fucking Gaylord.
Dry-Tinder Cankles-McJeggings I’m surprised that he hasn’t claimed that papa smalls produced one of her albums yet.
Cankles-McJeggings Millsy My dad was in medical sales, Derms. It’s not affected my kids anyway. Makes them stronger if anything.
Millsy Smallman1 lol! That’s brilliant. Actually, are you sure they switched? what with you being a massive sexual racist and everything. She may have just had a packet of Tunes.
Cankles-McJeggings I’d like to put money on Schofield being found in his car with the exhaust pipe in his mouth. Not a 12 year olds exhaust pipe either.
ArchimedesQ Mad_Cyril It’s already started I’m going with Shane Macgowan, Bobby Charlton & Yoko Ono 🙂