alistair Along_the_Wire They proved their musical chops when they came back from Britpop caricature after Country House with their two best albums Blur and 19. Beetlebum, Coffee and TV, No distance to run, Tender and Death of a party are all great tracks.
Mad_Cyril Dan I loved Britpop! Especially UB40 and Def Leppard. Think you’ve got it mixed up with Hip Hop Dan
Amps mono-stereo I’m not clicking on that, I’ve had a lovely day today and you’re not going to ruin it for me.
Cankles-McJeggings Smallman1 Getting It All Wrong. The new book by Amps. Lol fucking hell. Get my iron. ‘Utterly fucking clueless’ a new book by Edwand on football, music and fashion’.