Smallman1 Gordon McQueen

On leaving Dirty Leeds…

“99% of footballers want to play for Man United. The others are lying”

Quote has aged a bit the last 10 years!

    Mad_Cyril Good player for you lot.

    Shame nobody mentioned Chelsea & Arsenal legend John Hollis. Poor soul passed away yesterday.


    Mad_Cyril On leaving Dirty Leeds…

    “99% of footballers want to play for Man United. The others are lying”

    More like he had dementia then too.

    7 days later

    Craig Brown bread. RIP

    Was always a fan, seemed like a decent fella.

    His family will find solace in that I’m sure.

    Millsy Aw man. RIP. It’s closure for his family at least.

    Loved him as the down on his luck salesman in Glengarry Glenn Ross. You could really sense his frustration and desperation

      alistair Loved him as the down on his luck salesman in Glengarry Glenn Ross.

      Wait. What???!!!!

      alistair ah he was brilliant. The way he sits there during Baldwin’s diatribe, you’d feel sorry for him. I only watched it the other week for the 40th time. RIP

      17 days later

      Not really into booty trax but I did know him and DJ Assault.