First Rolf, then Purps….

I hope someone is keeping an eye on Amps

    Knew a big event like Purps popping would bring you out of retirement!!

    Welcome back brother

    Is that your condo in the bottom pic Zacko?

    I’m just the land lord

    Old-Dutch I’ll not have my name mentioned in the same sentence as that sham of an artist!

    14 days later

    Listened to a podcast from one of his victims, totally horrific and amazing how parents were hoodwinked.

    Fairly sure no one these days would let their young kid stay over at a random geezers house

    7 days later

    vinnyt77 Times obituary said “Michael Gambon, Harry Potter Actor, Dies Aged 82”

    I can’t imagine he’d want that as his headline.

      America’s greatest Senator Dianne Feinstein has passed away. Caps off gents.

        zackster she’ll not let that force her to step down. The Night Stalker fuck up she did is legendary.

        I suspect foul play. The radical left demands she resign and then this? Doesn’t sit right.