C_J Here is the latest vaccine story doing the rounds in Belgium. As with all medicines here, each package must contain a paper with a standard layout giving a comprehensive description of the drug, its composition, purpose, dosage, side effects and so on. The Pfizer vaccine is no different; each unit must have its “bijsluiter “ with it. In the vaccine case the number of languages mandated is large. It is claimed that one of the languages was omitted and as a result, and entire shipment within the EU was returned. I cannot vouch for the truth of this but it is widely believed. If true, it puts a different slant on EU statements. If not true, it’s interesting that it has such currency.
Mad_Cyril A fat finger in the eye for those pesky Europeans! https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2021/jan/30/uk-to-apply-to-join-free-trade-pact-with-nations-on-other-side-of-world?CMP=Share_AndroidApp_Other
alistair Amps I suggest that he waives the EU circle of stars instead. Might help him win back all those seats Labour lost at the last election 😆
bosstrabs Alistair “I voted remain but here’s an interesting viewpoint you might want to read about how the EU is basically the Third Reich”
bosstrabs Alistair “Lads, I consider myself impartial but have you really considered the possibility that the EU might be an autocratic superstate, spreading its globalist cabal (JEW) tentacles into everything we do?”
bosstrabs Alistair “Lads, I’m totally indifferent to be honest, but you might want to read this BREITBART ARTICLE on how anyone not indigenous British is basically a sub-species”
alistair We’ve really got to start looking out for each other more during lockdown. Mental health is no laughing matter.