Not to hand any support to Hugo here, but having read up a bit, that prof is a fucking moron.
The circular logic and the metaphoric use of “life” rather than literal, when convenient, doesn’t make any sense. Maybe it does inside of the lily white Ivory Towers of academia where she lives? Dunno. I guess that’s what happens when you’re born of an Indian diplomat. afforded a life as a world traveler, given an education in Vienna, and then a position as an English Professor at Cambridge. One’s narcissism becomes a fake sense of solidarity. I’m sure she gets what it’s like to be a poor black kid in East St. Louis. Not to go all ad hominem, but maybe shut the fuck up?
To go further down the unpopular opinion route…I have a Doctorate in Public Health. I don’t go around calling myself “Dr. jonnatonyeah”. Why? Because I can’t prescribe shit. I’m a doctor by letters only. You teach English, love.