Wally Jeremy Hunt will win the takeover I reckon. He’s largely untarnished with all things Brexit (so that’s Gove out) and Covid (Sunak, Raab and Hancock out) and is competent & a true blue Tory that lives up to his name’s rhyming slang.
vinnyt77 Wally My brother in law is a good mate of Jeremy Hunt’s. Worked on his leadership campaign, last parliamentary campaign etc etc. JH may be untarnished by the recent shitshow, but he IS as cunty as you might imagine. Standard despicable Tory human being.
LT42 I watched a clip of Sunak in the commons yesterday. He’s one slippery slimey piece of work. His accent alone is enough.
-si- Who do you call to carry out a valuation on an asteroid that is a million miles away? And how does one go about buying it?
Amps -si- Plenty of science about to determine planet compositions etc. As for said purchase, I suggest you talk to a one Mr. E. Musk who is probably throttling up his big silver space rocket as we speak!
-si- Finally, does 10000 quadrillion dollars exist anywhere on the planet? If you combined all of the existing currencies on planet earth, i am not sure we would reach the magic 10000 quadrillion figure? Who do you go to for a loan in that case?
Mad_Cyril Slick work from the UK Gov media team https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2020/nov/10/johnsons-biden-win-tweet-contains-hidden-trump-congratulations?CMP=Share_iOSApp_Other