You can further consider the rights and wrongs, but to add some important, unsurprisingly overlooked detail to this:
The event which “Jüdische Stimme” are by their own admission helping to promote, as well as fund through their bank account, is being organised primarily by an organisation called ‘Samidoun’. Samidoun were made illegal in Germany in November at the same time as Hamas - they are recognised as a front for the Palestinian political group the ’Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine" (who are in turn a member of the ‘Palestine Liberation Organisation’).
Samidoun and the PFLP are among the more extreme of the Palestinian political groups, calling for a one-state (Palestinian) solution to the Palestine-Israel conflict and publicly denying Israel’s right to exist. Israel classify PFLP as a terrorist organisation.
Previous Samidoun events include things such as the following: "In October 2022, Samidoun held a rally in front of the European Parliament in Brussels. The leader of the rally, Samidoun’s Belgium-based European coordinator Mohammed Khatib, called for the defeat of Israel, the European Union and the United States “by any means necessary,” [including “Kalashnikovs, rockets and bullets”]. He said the Israeli ambassador to Belgium should be afraid, as should all Zionists and the European Union." Samidoun promotional material also glorifies Hamas activities.
The EU have also been discussing over the last year whether to ban Samidoun.
Samidoun are not just some hippy-dippy “won’t someone please think of the poor Palestinian people, can’t everyone just live in peace?!” type of organisation who were banned in Germany alongside Hamas for no reason. The fact of ‘Jüdische Stimme’ using its bank account to fund Samidoun activities on German soil will likely be the reason for its account being frozen.