Amps & Zdog's Viva La Revolution thread
bosstrabs How do you propose foxes are dealt with, Amps?
Fox hunting has barely any effect on the fox population. What farmers should do is not worry about the by simply building suitable building to stop the cunning fox from gaining entry.
Along_the_Wire I remember the farmers being pretty successful with it during my time in the coontreesyed.
Think their song could do with some work, very repetitive / monotonous.
At least one should be beatboxing
Lol. Hugo sees many future stages of capitalism to come!
Quelle surprise.
The idea of a ‘carbon footprint’ was an invention by the oil companies to put the onus on individuals rather than companies to do something about global warming… but as no politician or corporation will ever do anything about it, we are essentially left to our own devices, the only way we can really achieve any change is through our individual and hopefully collective actions and reducing out footprint. The legislation will never exist.
Vote Green. Don’t have kids. Stop getting flights. Insulate your home to fuck. Get an ethical bank.
I wish nothing but a pox upon the Tories and psychopaths who run this planet.