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  • Election 2024: The Fate of Democracy

I saw that over the weekend. To me it’s just says fuck you Donald we will do what we like.
Was surprised I only saw it online and not on any News channels

  • erik replied to this.

    Dubman exactly. It’s well known that Russia has Kompromat on him, but that was a proper fuck you

      Trump prob won’t be doing a Willy Smith then with regards to MC Putin.. lol

      erik And? He’s a convicted felon and won a landslide 😂

      • erik replied to this.

        erik Kompromat

        Have we done the ‘great label’ gag yet?

        Fairly sure we have.

          alistair there’s a sentence that should set alarms bells ringing and doesn’t

            erik I doubt it would even figure in the top 10 list of voters concerns.

            • erik replied to this.

              alistair it should

              We have a politically illiterate population, anyone with half a brain should be able to see the direction this road takes

              whatever Saw a few bits with interviews at deep south Trump rallies, and for so many of them he is their only hope; they despise the political system they have, and see him as the only ‘disruptor’ in a closed market. They know he’s part of the 1%, but he’s the closest thing they have to any actual change at the top. Lots of them don’t even like him or his policies, but he’s all they have, lump that in with a possible bump in the economy and he’s a no brainer.

              Smallman1 John Peel meme:

              'That’s Azerbaijanian four piece Kompromat with Hidden Camera, from the album Got Your Balls’

              whatever I think populism is a big factor in it, as is also the case in the UK

              You’re not wrong, mate

              The opener for Project 2025:

              Matt Gaetz as Attorney General. Fucking hell. Clown car.

                The Indians in India who are behaving like it’s the end of the world because Trump has been reelected are insufferable. STFU it makes no difference to your life you cunt.

                  How do Indians feel towards the Ukrainian war seeing as Modi is supporting Putin.

                    Yeah saw that this morning. He seems great.