303abuser They’ll blame Corbyn
Election 2024: The Fate of Democracy
I won’t be missing any meals that is for sure.
LBD in das haus
Hursty Unless we come up with a tech solution that doesn’t currently exist (and that is possible I’d guess), it’s when, not if. Governments and their corporate overlords are doing nothing to solve the climate problems. AI is going to cause massive economic disruption in the near to medium term, climate refugees are going to be a thing, food shortages will undoubtedly occur, and there’s no plan to mitigate any of it.
Like I said, we’re fucked. Hopefully not in our lifetimes, but that’s not a guarantee.
Coronavirus 2 will solve a lot of this
Do you genuinely believe the world is fucked and we are imminently going to be doomed forever?
Does sound like pure hyperbole to scare the masses
There are obviously degrees of fucked. I don’t know about doomed forever, but clearly both climate change and AI are potential existential threats. How likely is that? I’m not sure anyone knows.
Given how we handled covid from a societal perspective, we don’t exactly seem positioned to deal with either short or long term threats in a coherent manner. Humans do well with immediate consequences, latent impacts just don’t move the needle on our behaviour.
That’s exactly the reason I had kids. So I can laugh at the shit they’re facing
303abuser fair enough
I think we are just experiencing the transitional period of the digital revolution so everything seems a bit crazy like it did for those who witnessed the agricultural or industrial revolutions
Revolutions take decades and although the digital one will most likely be quicker, it will take time to achieve some resemblance of equilibrium
That’s all true and it will be quicker. The difference is not only the pace of change, but that with exponential tech growth, the pace of change is only going to increase, which is extremely destabilizing. And we’ve never had such widespread and pervasive misinformation governed by a handful of people. This is like nothing humanity has experienced and we frankly have no idea what we’re doing. We’re smart enough to make a mess of things, but not smart enough to plan ahead or actually fix anything.
- Edited
Governments wetting themselves with excitement over AI. It doesn’t seem to have dawned on any of them that it threatens to eat their future tax base whole. Absolutely needs to be properly regulated. It also requires loads of data centres with huge carbon footprints