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  • Election 2024: The Fate of Democracy

US media must’ve made a shit ton of money from the Trump outrage of 2016-2020 to be this desperate for him to win.

    ehitach2 clearly the way he says these things are dangerous and stupid, but he does have a point in there. He has always said NATO countries need to pay their way, and I agree with that. Maybe some countries need the threat by Trump to do something

      A classic case of picking out the sensational bits and leaving them dangling for the chimps to feed on.

      He’s still a massive cunt though, Don that is!

        Homegrove idk how anyone can take the Times seriously after all of the blatant lies the published for Israel


        NATO doesn’t have bills though and the defence expenditure amounts are a percentage guideline against GDP, or something like that. It’s not like USA is somehow ’paying it’s way’ with more into the NATO kitty, it just spends more on military than most other members as a percentage of GDP. That’s my understanding.

        Anyway, it’s a military alliance which provides it’s own strengths and Trump is just completely and publicly undermining it. I mean he could have said he is totally committed to it and would absolutely stand by it’s alliance members under any threat.

        Presumably he could ask others to work in the background to try and raise other states defence spending if that’s a problem. They’ll likely have to do that anyway, if they’ve any sense and cash to do so. This is because of Putin’s actions and not Trumps. Trump is just doing Putin’s work for him by undermining NATO, the stupid bellend.

        Anyway, it’s exhausting and I didn’t like having to type ‘members’ even once.

          ehitach2 I believe it was agreed that NATO members should contribute 2% of GDP, and a fair few countries are way below that. Hence why Trump hasn’t been happy with countries relying on the US spending.

          ehitach2 I didn’t like having to type ‘members’ even once.

          Some sort of suppressed trauma?


            I suddenly remembered how my old percussion teacher used to toss me off in time to the metronome. Might explain why I’ve tended to go for higher bpms in my music choices.

              zackster Why does NATO still exist? The USSR is no more. It should be dissolved immediately

              Why does Cankings still take his anti-psychotic meds? His murderous thoughts are no more. He should stop immediately.


                I don’t know. It was a guess.

                On reflection, it’s a fundamental flaw in my analogy in response to your daft question around the existence of NATO. Soz.

                  Nothing daft about asking why my tax dollars fund an organization founded with the purpose of defending against attacks from Germany and The USSR.

                  zackster speaking as someone who’s country has a border as long as the country is with Russia we need NATO.

                    Homegrove yes yes, much like Israel, you want my tax dollars to protect you even at the expense of my getting healthcare.

                      zackster Why does NATO still exist? The USSR is no more. It should be dissolved immediately.

                      ehitach2 On reflection, it’s a fundamental flaw in my analogy in response to your daft question around the existence of NATO. Soz

                      Aside from that it was a decent analogy by ehitach.

                      When you have Russia running amok in Ukraine in part because there’s a chance that they’d have joined NATO, it’s not a stretch to imagine that Russia would also murderously attack the rest of Europe with the hope of regaining more territory/re-establishing the USSR/ or just being destructive douchebags were it not for the continued presence of NATO keeping them at bay (similar to how Cankles without his meds would likely go back to carrying out more hammerings).

                        hugopal it’s not a stretch to imagine that Russia would also murderously attack the rest of Europe

                        Yes, this absolutely is a stretch. It’s prevent is at the expense of US citizens having national healthcare, functional bridges, any form of rail travel, and levies to keep the encroaching ocean at bay. USA as the world’s policeman pisses everyone off, until someone suggests it be taken away.