What about the fact that humans are social by nature and that interacting in person rather than over technology adds a lot more value. I get so much more value speaking to people face to face rather than over Teams calls, it’s more personal and can create better outcomes. The amount of meetings on Teams where most the people are doing other stuff doesn’t help a successful meeting.
However it’s about balance, not being in the office 5 days a week, but I think 50/50 split works well. Everyone gets the best of both worlds.
Work was also great during my 20s and 30s where it was a much more social environment and there was a lot of working hard during the day but then going out on the piss in the evening, it was great. Built up strong relationships with people. However I know those days are gone and also recognise there were plenty of downfalls with that working environment, but personally I preferred it and would do it all over again compared to the work culture today.