-si- Jules72 Fuck sake jules, about 20 years too late for all of us. Imagine the global guest lists and amount of free drink and drugs that would have yielded in your clubbing hey day, for fuck sake?
-si- Millsy If there is a better post on the new JC forum, i haven’t seen it yet! Why did i have to take the last 2 weeks off, for fuck sake? Ed, i just don’t know what to say…
Smallman1 Millsy So you mind me also using it for any dick pic requests I get through? You get dick pic requests?
Kells77 Jules72 She’s pretty but that is some severe duck face. Why? Does this appeal to you guys? Serious question.
Amps Kells77 Does this appeal to you guys? Serious question. It doesn’t, it’s just some weird idea / pastiche of what femininity is that some of you lot have gotten on to and made into a ‘thing’. It’s very prevalent here in the NW of England, as is the ‘Scouse brow’, which is essentially a woman with heavy Drag Race style eyebrows. Hateful the lot of it.
Mad_Cyril Kells77 Does this appeal to you guys? Looks ridiculous. Rings the alarms for ‘self obsessed’, ‘attention seeker’ or ‘dangerously insecure’. Probably a lovely lady and it’s me whose a horrible human being