Smallman1 Heno only one thing left to do, move house I was thinking of throwing more money at it. Something has to stick.
Smallman1 Millsy Have you considered a static home at this point Ed? Just going to keep throwing money at it. What’s the worst that can happen? The roof caving in and me losing my life aside that is.
Amps Smallman1 When these builders come around to quote, what are you wearing? Your not in the pouch are you?
Kells77 Jules72 Lives in Bangkok….I don’t know how you’ll get on with that socially distanced walk, but you might wanna ask for nudes first, just to be sure she’s not hanging out in Patpong too often 😂
Jules72 Kells77 haha yeah no thanks to that.. I can assure you I’m not searching in Bangkok btw - she/he was searching in London
Millsy This all needs sorting pronto. As we come out of covid the only damp Ed’s flat should be home to is the panty variety during the ‘back to mine?’ apres date scenario. Has anyone got the number for the DIY SOS team?