Hursty No! What kind of imbecile would suggest that?!
The Life Hack Thread
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ScottBailey a septic? Lol
The septic’s getting it all wrong?
You never!
ScottBailey also how bad is it when someone else makes you a brew (tea)? May as well just throw it away, it will never meet your own standards
Here’s another life hack. If an Amercian or a Canadian offers to make you a cup of tea, politely decline and ask for coffee instead.
You can have that one for free.
Smallman1 are you sans lait?
I’m not!
I think the relief is that I’ve finally been tamed.
I just thank the lord I got to have so much fun in the process, literally hundreds of hearts broken!
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Literally not one word of that is remotely accurate, which is an achievement in itself.
The remarkable thing is that it’s all true!
Jesus Christ man. Over the line!
hugopal And how would you fucking know?
The last time you slept with a bird was probably when you clambered into you mum’s bed after wetting yours aged 17.
Along_the_Wire sick burn G!