Smallman1 because she’s a top top bird!
“top top birds” don’t come with bastard offspring.
hugopal And how would you fucking know?
The last time you slept with a bird was probably when you clambered into you mum’s bed after wetting yours aged 17.
Jesus Christ man. Over the line!
Along_the_Wire sick burn G!
For the last two months, we have replaced rice (besides biryani) with quinoa. It works!
rhouses works in what way, R-houz?
Millsy more solid stools
Millsy Taste, textures, and I don’t want to fall asleep after lunch. Easy on the tummy as well.
Life hack: unbuckle your belt after a big meal to feel less full and more comfortable
Half inched from Rhouses?
Life hack: hacking Rhouses to death would end his life and bring great satisfaction
bosstrabs I’m sure the mods will give you his IP.
Dave have you got any life hacks for avoiding drinking?
Smallman1 lol
Life hack: wear a three piece suit while you pass out drunk in Jingshan Park. This will keep vagrants away and allow you to blend in with the other persons of substance.
I’m surprised no one has mentioned the old pot plant life hack yet
Hursty I’m surprised no one has mentioned the old pot plant life hack yet
Ed referenced it only 4 posts above yours.
hugopal ah so he did! About time wasn’t it
Life hack: Avoid unnecessary scrolling on message boards by simply replying to the most recent post above yours and then let Hugo fill you in from there.
Enjoying the idea of Ed proudly announcing to his Julie that I’ve hacked me life! as he sits next to her on the couch, eating yogurt with a fork.