IndustryStandard I’m pretty sure that’s in the settings too, it’s more common that the sub is in use with two channel stereo sound too.

17 days later

Two thumbs up for buying British HG.

Not so many thumbs for opening up another wormhole that I have to avoid getting sucked into!

Homegrove Do 2 upfiring front speakers make any difference with Dolby Atmos in a home? Clearly in a professional setup they do, but interested to know if they add anything in a home setup?

    Wasily depends on the room. Our home theatre is tiny, but I think in any setting front highs > upfiring atmos speakers. Most Atmos theatres have the ceiling speakers pointed towards the audience rather than down, so I’m basing my theory on that. There are actual ceiling speakers for Atmos also, but I think drilling holes for them, and the wiring is a bit extreme.

    • Amps replied to this.

      Amps I don’t actually have a sub. The front speakers are 8 inch, and I have directed the amp to put all the bass on those. Judging by any Nolan-movie on disc with lossless audio that’s plenty enough for our tiny home theatre-room.

      We also don’t have a sofa there, but a pair of lounge chairs (a friend said it makes us look like we’re living in a retirement home and hurt my feelings). If I do get a sub one day I imagine putting it between the chairs would be a good location.

      • Amps replied to this.

        Got the height speakers. Tested them with Blade Runner 2049 after recalibrating the AV. Dolby Atmos really is a huge upgrade. I wasn’t sure I wanted to spend the money, because not everything has it, just 5.1, but as it was only 200 € for the extra speaker pair I’m glad I did.

        I pulled the trigger on a Sony DH790. I have the Cambridge Audio mini center speaker on a stand and two front floor standings. Contemplating getting the matching Cambridge Audio minis like you @Homegrove for the Atmos speakers , but dont these have to face up and bounce off the ceiling ? Thus giving height?

        Otherwise was looking at these to place on top of the floor standing speakers.

          IndustryStandard nah, that wall bounce thing is completely different thing. You place height speakers high on the wall above the TV facing you. I put them like this:

            Along_the_Wire yeah it’s just 50″. Best we can fit is 55″, but then the room is tiny. About three metres by three metres.

            BF will be turning in his grave