ScottBailey alistair decent track, although for a minute I thought it sounded like a mashup of Jan Johnson - Skydive and the BBC Test Match Cricket theme song…
Mad_Cyril Morales has been rinsing for a very long time. Had me dancing round the kitchen a few weekends ago… Just popped up on Traxsource 🙂
alistair Mad_Cyril That old chessnut. Can’t get the Jennifer Hudson version out of my mind (for all the wrong reasons)
Mad_Cyril alistair Can’t get the Jennifer Hudson version out of my mind (for all the wrong reasons) You should probably get professional help for that!!
alistair Christian My man! Up yer Ronson!?? Now Marshall was a very good unassuming resident. Remember 12 weeks of summer or whatever it was with Sasha? I remember when he dropped Embracing the sunshine with BT in the box
Christian alistair i moved to leeds just after the 12 months of summer with sasha had finished and dont think he played for them again in leeds. went to loads of nights there for the next few years before it shut down. Marshall was always brilliant and so was Neil Metziner and Andy Ward on the middle floor of the pleasure rooms. Right and Ecact was certainly another regular ronson tune.