Smallman1 This thread is an absolute abomination.
And it’s all Hugo’s fault.
Potential name change to HuSTOPpal
Smallman1 This thread is an absolute abomination.
And it’s all Hugo’s fault.
Potential name change to HuSTOPpal
Andy Ling - Fixation
Mad_Cyril Would say this was Creams silver period, downward trajectory
I might be a bit too close to it to tell to be honest…
92 - 95 Just mental, the place was such a visceral experience, rare as fuck vibes
96 - 02 Oakey, Full On, Bugged Out, festival line ups, absolute carnage every weekend, proper ’avin it stuff, boss vibes
03 - 08 It struggled the way the rest of the industry did, not sure what to do with itself post trance, still some great nights
By 04 Cream was just bad most weeks, I remember the flyer girls coming in a bar in Concert Square once when I was out with boozers (maybe Modo) and them desperately trying to get people to go. I did end up in there once and it just seemed sad. Chibuku was better for a while.
The whole superclub thing had died almost overnight (well, in the space of two short years), it seemed.
Around that time, I had started usually going to the Lemon Lounge, Korova, places like that.
My first time in Cream was ’97 and it was fucking outrageous. Midway through my sixth form. I just decided ’I’m doing this every fucking week’ (as we all do) and from there it was basically three years in GodsKitchen, Atomic Jam and Sundissential (as I was in the Midlands) ’98-2001.
And trips to London for the Gallery @ Turnmills as my cousin was down there. Then moved onto Fabric and The Cross.
Never liked Rankey’s - always hated it. The Phoenix was the club in Manchester IIRC.
Haha.What a shit thread.
ScottBailey as per my earlier post - one of the Ferry Corsten tracks which I think is too good to warrant a “guilty pleasure” moniker.
bosstrabs I never said it was a classic.
Your post was listing tracks which there may been an expectation you might have had some “particular fondness” for. I was just pointing out that Diving Faces looked a bit out of place alongside the other tracks mentioned as having been particularly popular.
Along with the dubious video to boot
forzaforza posting a steady stream of hot steaming garbage. Magnificent.
ForzaForza is Flares, he always had a penchant for Yomanda.