I like the way Hugo is dictating the rules in a thread he didn’t even start.

Mesmerising levels of ASPERGERS.

hugopal Diving Faces not sure it was ever as much a “classic”?

I never said it was a classic. This thread, as you have pointed out many times, is for guilty pleasures.

Certainly it must have been popular, at least with DJs, as it was inescapable for about 6 months. Although often as an early or mid-set track.

    Smallman1 This thread is an absolute abomination.

    And it’s all Hugo’s fault.

    Potential name change to HuSTOPpal

    Good man.

    The whoppers need educating though, it’s a great responsibility!

    Mad_Cyril Would say this was Creams silver period, downward trajectory

    I might be a bit too close to it to tell to be honest…

    92 - 95 Just mental, the place was such a visceral experience, rare as fuck vibes
    96 - 02 Oakey, Full On, Bugged Out, festival line ups, absolute carnage every weekend, proper ’avin it stuff, boss vibes
    03 - 08 It struggled the way the rest of the industry did, not sure what to do with itself post trance, still some great nights

      Amps 92 - 95 Just mental, the place was such a visceral experience, rare as fuck vibes

      Golden period for me (other opinions are allowed)

      By 04 Cream was just bad most weeks, I remember the flyer girls coming in a bar in Concert Square once when I was out with boozers (maybe Modo) and them desperately trying to get people to go. I did end up in there once and it just seemed sad. Chibuku was better for a while.

      The whole superclub thing had died almost overnight (well, in the space of two short years), it seemed.

      Around that time, I had started usually going to the Lemon Lounge, Korova, places like that.

      • Amps replied to this.

        My first time in Cream was ’97 and it was fucking outrageous. Midway through my sixth form. I just decided ’I’m doing this every fucking week’ (as we all do) and from there it was basically three years in GodsKitchen, Atomic Jam and Sundissential (as I was in the Midlands) ’98-2001.

        And trips to London for the Gallery @ Turnmills as my cousin was down there. Then moved onto Fabric and The Cross.

        Never liked Rankey’s - always hated it. The Phoenix was the club in Manchester IIRC.

        bosstrabs Chibuku

        Did a great job of copying the Bugged Out model to an extent.

        ScottBailey as per my earlier post - one of the Ferry Corsten tracks which I think is too good to warrant a “guilty pleasure” moniker.

        bosstrabs I never said it was a classic.

        Your post was listing tracks which there may been an expectation you might have had some “particular fondness” for. I was just pointing out that Diving Faces looked a bit out of place alongside the other tracks mentioned as having been particularly popular.