He plays the kind of middle of the road prog that Alistair thrives on.

    He’s had one or two good tunes, but the rest have been Beatport top 10 fodder. Wears headphones like a BERK.

      He’s a twat who makes twaty music for other twats to dance to. Did I mention he’s a twat?

      He stuff sounds like Bicep on bad pills.

      Since Bens posted that we shouldn’t be speculating about Diggers’ health, this thread has gone through the roof!

        Smallman1 Since Bens posted that we shouldn’t be speculating about Diggers’ health, this thread has gone through the roof!

        You could always refer back to the spreadsheet and repost some of the classic quotes from some of the fruitloops in the Bunker chat?!

        Dan if this was a gig, and we were paying to see oasis and blur, but one pulls out so they replace with Kula Shaker, everyone would demand their money back as the gig should be rescheduled. But with DJs they stick in a shit replacement and expect everything to carry on.

        I’m sure who I would want to replace John tbh. I will probably just get really hammered and not give a toss


          In my defence, I didn’t mention John’s health in my post.

          My suggestion to form a musical supergroup, made up with some of the more flamboyant JC fam, past and present, was all for charitable purposes…

          Smallman1 happy to help and this is the kind of top notch positive vibes that I know john will appreciate.

          benson Kula Shaker were mint.

          I only realised a few years ago that the vocals on Prodigy ‘Narayan’ were by the singer from Kula Shaker.

            RichM Three half decent tracks tbf.

            benson Kula Shaker were mint.

            File under middle class / private school rock with Coldplay. As Edwand ‘Brooks’ Smallman would say, s to the werve!