SM001 No he hasn’t
I didn’t mind the Bedrock release
SM001 No he hasn’t
I didn’t mind the Bedrock release
ScottBailey They weren’t bad to be fair but he also did this…
He stuff sounds like Bicep on bad pills.
SM001 is why I said “one or two”, aka the Bedrock release
Since Bens posted that we shouldn’t be speculating about Diggers’ health, this thread has gone through the roof!
Smallman1 Since Bens posted that we shouldn’t be speculating about Diggers’ health, this thread has gone through the roof!
You could always refer back to the spreadsheet and repost some of the classic quotes from some of the fruitloops in the Bunker chat?!
Dan if this was a gig, and we were paying to see oasis and blur, but one pulls out so they replace with Kula Shaker, everyone would demand their money back as the gig should be rescheduled. But with DJs they stick in a shit replacement and expect everything to carry on.
I’m sure who I would want to replace John tbh. I will probably just get really hammered and not give a toss
ScottBailey that a real niche insult, I like it
He looks like the kind of chap that would smell of really cheap aftershave.
Frankie Wah that is.
hugopal and was therefore the best thing he was involved with.