benson Kula Shaker were mint.

I only realised a few years ago that the vocals on Prodigy ‘Narayan’ were by the singer from Kula Shaker.

    RichM Three half decent tracks tbf.

    benson Kula Shaker were mint.

    File under middle class / private school rock with Coldplay. As Edwand ‘Brooks’ Smallman would say, s to the werve!

    He looks like the kind of chap that would smell of really cheap aftershave.

    Frankie Wah that is.

    I chuckle his tales about his Canadian ranch, and holding John O’Shea’s pocket (while Ed’s ole mucker holds Thicktor’s)

    What a life he must lead.


    benson errrrr no. Kula Shaker were mint.

    This deserves more attention than it’s getting!!


    Cookie, the Mexican promoter gave ticket holders a discount on the rescheduled event at well going to the event last weekend. I will bet that we don’t get that for the Roundhouse.

      Cookie and his half baked promotions.

      If Sasha can’t be arsed, which is actually pretty likely, and he doesn’t lose any money (it’ll be insured), he’ll pull the plug.

      Smallman1 Hugo in 3,2…
      Unlike a chewier cookie, biscuits are made with a dough, they can be cut into any shape and their firmer, snappier and flatter constitution provides the perfect blank canvas for icing and decorating. 🍪🤓

      Hopefully John will be back for a Xmas daytime Bedrock at XOYO. The last two were epic.

        Sending John, family, team & colleagues all the very best wishes.
        And when you’re better, give the globe-trotting a rest for a while sir.